Libyan VACC Libyan VACC

Libyan VACC Libyan VACC

Libyan VACC Libyan VACC

Libyan VACC Libyan VACC

Libyan VACC Libyan VACC

Libyan VACC Libyan VACC

Our main goal is to provide air traffic control services to all aircraft flying within our airspace on the international network of VATSIM. Any one can join the VATSIM network as long as you are determined to learn and to try the essentials of flying and air traffic controlling based upon real life like procedures.

Sounds like something for you? Then join us by checking out the "Training Center" section. You are welcome indeed and we will help you all the way!

If you want to learn more about LibvACC and the Tripoli FIR, download charts and sceneries etc. at "Downloads" section then check out "Community" and "Events" sections for more information. We hope you enjoy it here !

 Remember to check out our "News" and "Events" sections to get updated on the recent news and events in Libya.

If you are a pilot who is interested in visiting Libya with ATC coverage upon your visit, then feel free to request ATC via "Request ATC" option at "Contact us" page and we will be there for you.

If you are the Events Coordinator of your local VA etc. and interested in visiting Libya with fully staffed ATC coverage upon your visit, then feel free to contact LibVACC Events Coordinator via "Contact us" section and we will be there for you.

We have 30 guests and no members online


Any information presented on is NOT for use in real life situations , or its affiliates do not take or hold any responsibility for any harm,danger or incident occurred because of using any information presented in this website or any affiliates websites or pages hosted within the same domain.

Libyan Virtual Airspace Control Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to Flight Simulation enthusiasts.

This site is not affiliated with the LYCAA, the actual LIBYAN CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY or any governing aviation body.